Christmas, David Rodeback's Fiction, Free Short Stories - Unpublished

Abolishing Christmas (a short story)

Isaac turned the corner in the airport terminal and smiled warmly through his exhaustion. “Councilman Hirsch,” said the homemade sign in big block letters. The man holding the sign was Evan Jackson, his fellow city councilman. Evan’s welcoming, ironic grin said he was glad to see his friend but also enjoyed the gag of treating him like a VIP.

“Shalom, my friend,” said Evan without irony.

“Shalom,” Isaac said. They briefly embraced. “Thanks for picking me up.”

“My pleasure. How was your flight?”

“The second seemed as long as the first, though obviously it wasn’t.” Tel Aviv to JFK was hours longer than JFK to Salt Lake City. “How’s Dani?”

“My better half sends her greetings,” said Evan, “but she’s helping a different friend today.”

“Our loss.” Dani and Isaac’s own wife, Tovi, had been dear friends – but Tovi had been in the grave nearly a year.

Tovi, he thought. Toviel. God is good. He was just starting to believe that again – and though he had not always seen it, it had been the perfect name for her.

“How was your pilgrimage?” Evan asked as they waited by the baggage carousel.

“When I am there, I feel holiness. When I leave, some of it seems to come with me.”

“As it should,” said Evan.

“Yes, and I’d like to prolong it this time, if I can. I thought of you, by the way. The shofar was impressive, and I know your fondness for trumpets. And another reason.”

“What was that?”

“You call it the Holy Land too,” Isaac said. “Next year you and Dani should join me.”

“Let’s do it.” Evan’s sudden smile faded. “Forgive my asking, but how was it, you know, without … ?

“Holiness and loneliness are not incompatible. I managed to enjoy one despite the other. Perhaps it helped that I missed last year, because of her passing, and the year before too.”

“Because of her illness,” his friend said softly.

“Yes. Thanks for the card you gave me as I left. I rather enjoy having gentile friends who know better than to wish a Jew ‘happy Yom Kippur.’” He smiled sadly. “Happiness is not the point.”

“Holiness is more the point, as I understand it,” said Evan, “and I wish I could help you prolong it, but we need to have a serious chat with you this afternoon.”

“You said Dani didn’t come.”

“She didn’t. Vern’s waiting in the truck.”

“An unexpected turnout,” Isaac said. “It’s council business, then.” Vern Fellows chaired the Helaman City Council.

Faith, Religion & Scripture, Notes & Essays by David Rodeback

Short Take: “There Shall Be Showers of Blessing”

[su_accordion][su_spoiler title=”Author’s Note” style=”fancy”]My neighbor and I are writing short columns for our monthly ward (congregation) newsletter, focusing on the Old Testament and related scripture in 2014. Here’s this month’s “short take.”[/su_spoiler][/su_accordion]

God commanded Ezekiel to “prophesy against the shepherds of Israel.” His people’s leaders were neglecting their duties – and worse. “Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves!” he said. “Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? . . .

The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick . . . bound up that which was broken . . . brought again that which was driven away, [or] sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.

And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts of the field.

God will hold the shepherds accountable, he says, but then he makes us a happier promise: Even if others fail us, one Shepherd is devoted and tireless. When no mortal notices or cares, he will find us and save us himself.

I will seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered. . . .

I will feed them in good pasture. . . .

I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick. . . .

I will save my flock. . . .

I will make with them a covenant of peace . . . and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness. . . .

There shall be showers of blessing. (Ezekiel 34:1-31)

Faith, Religion & Scripture, Notes & Essays by David Rodeback

What Mormons Mean: Translating General Conference (into English)

Every church or religion has its own vocabulary, which can easily make its meetings seem strange to outsiders. Latter-day Saints (Mormons) are no exception.

Oh, boy, are we not an exception. We even think friendship is a verb; the ripples from this barbarous pebble are sometimes conspicuous. It’s a good thing the Lord is merciful. He gives us excellent, beautiful languages, and we insist on . . . But I digress.

A year or two ago, as I watched the first minutes of a Latter-day Saint general conference broadcast, I was struck by how many terms one would have to understand in the way Latter-day Saints do, in order to get just ten or fifteen minutes into a two-hour meeting. So this week I went back and watched the first 15 minutes of two previous conferences, making a list as I did so.

Here are some words and phrases you might have wanted to know, if you had been watching with me. The vocabulary will be approximately the same tomorrow, if you watch the first general session of the October 2014 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The definitions are brief, despite the temptation to be expansive.